In a market conditioned by Fast Fashion, we decided to create our collections of tights with regenerated nylon, which helps reduce the amount of global waste and re-introduce the material into production cycles.


Q - Nova

Q-NOVA® is an environmentally-sustainable nylon 6.6 fibre made from regenerated raw materials, manufactured through a mechanical regeneration process that is free from chemical materials that would compromise the sustainability of the end product. More than half of the product consists of waste – a material that if not reused in any other way, would have to be disposed of as landfill.

Nilit Ecocare

NILIT® Ecocare is a recycled yarn produced using a mix of scrap, polymer waste and other residual polymers from production, thus minimising the amount of waste that would have otherwise ended up as landfill. Its eco-sustainability comes not only from the composition of the yarn but also from the production process that saves water and reduces the consumption of energy resources during all stages of production.


Y.E.E.S.® GREEN is a regenerated polyamide arising from Ambrofibre’s commitment to environmental protection. The eco-sustainable yarn is obtained by processing waste from all phases of nylon production through a circular production process that allows the production of a 100%-recycled and eco-sustainable product whilst maintaining the high quality and characteristics of virgin material.

Amni Soul Eco

Amni® Soul Eco the first polyamide yarn produced in a more sustainable way and that degrades in around 5 years after disposal in a sanitary landfill, manufactured using conscious processes that respect the environment, such as water reuse and abatement of greenhouse gases reducing the impact of the textile industry on the planet.


Renycle® products contain a variable percentage of recycled polyamide from post-industrial or post-consumer waste. RENYCLE yarns are made from recycled Nylon 6, a material highly valued for its excellent quality

Durability, dyeability, softness and versatility

Si stima che ogni anno siano circa 640.000 le tonnellate di reti da pesca che vengono disperse negli oceani che causano la morte di almeno 136.000 specie marine tra foche, leoni marini e balene.

Ogni tonnellata di rete da pesca recuperata e rigenerata produce abbastanza filato per interrompere la produzione di filati non sostenibili.

Reduce . Recycle . Reclaim . Rescue